Author Archives: James Wickenden

Maximising Tax Free Income

The importance of planning ahead to ensure that you are best placed to minimise tax on future income flows

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Putting the Seven Habits into Practice: Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw

The importance of keeping up your contextual knowledge to maintain credibility and the ability to inform and guide your clients

Through Techlink Professional and Techlink Communicator we enable you to:

• Be better informed

• Reduce risk.

• Do more business.

• Communicate better and smarter.

• Save time.

To access your free trial; go to and request which trial option you require from the options shown. You will then be given 4 weeks free access to Techlink Professional and/or Techlink Communicator and an example of the Communicator content.

Wealth Tax

Wealth Tax commission to report soon on whether the UK should have a Wealth Tax

Through Techlink Professional and Techlink Communicator we enable you to:

• Be better informed

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• Communicate better and smarter.

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To access your free trial; go to and request which trial option you require from the options shown. You will then be given 4 weeks free access to Techlink Professional and/or Techlink Communicator and an example of the Communicator content.

The Spending Review and its Implications for Taxation

A summary of the key points from the Spending Review and what it might mean for taxation

Through Techlink Professional and Techlink Communicator we enable you to:

• Be better informed

• Reduce risk.

• Do more business.

• Communicate better and smarter.

• Save time.

To access your free trial; go to and request which trial option you require from the options shown. You will then be given 4 weeks free access to Techlink Professional and/or Techlink Communicator and an example of the Communicator content.

The Non- Financial Benefits of Advice

A summary of some of the key findings from the ILC research on the value of advice

Through Techlink Professional and Techlink Communicator we enable you to:

• Be better informed

• Reduce risk.

• Do more business.

• Communicate better and smarter.

• Save time.

To access your free trial; go to and request which trial option you require from the options shown. You will then be given 4 weeks free access to Techlink Professional and/or Techlink Communicator and an example of the Communicator content.

Furlough Fundamentals

A reminder of four key “Rules of Furlough”

Through Techlink Professional and Techlink Communicator we enable you to:

• Be better informed

• Reduce risk.

• Do more business.

• Communicate better and smarter.

• Save time.

To access your free trial; go to and request which trial option you require from the options shown. You will then be given 4 weeks free access to Techlink Professional and/or Techlink Communicator and an example of the Communicator content.

IHT Planning with the Main Residence

Two ways to carry out effective  IHT planning with your main residence

Through Techlink Professional and Techlink Communicator we enable you to:

• Be better informed

• Reduce risk.

• Do more business.

• Communicate better and smarter.

• Save time.

To access your free trial; go to and request which trial option you require from the options shown. You will then be given 4 weeks free access to Techlink Professional and/or Techlink Communicator and an example of the Communicator content.



Through Techlink Professional and Techlink Communicator we enable you to:

• Be better informed

• Reduce risk.

• Do more business.

• Communicate better and smarter.

• Save time.

To access your free trial; go to and request which trial option you require from the options shown. You will then be given 4 weeks free access to Techlink Professional and/or Techlink Communicator and an example of the Communicator content.