Taxation of Pensions Income

This video blog looks at the how flexible pension income is taxed and how you can reclaim tax back from HMRC.

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Money Purchase Annual Allowance

A reminder of how the MPAA works and how to avoid triggering it.

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Age 75 Test

A reminder of how and which funds are tested at the age 75 test and the impact of exceeding the lifetime allowance.

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DOTAS and IHT – Examples of what’s not caught

HMRC have given examples of what arrangements will not be treated as abnormal or contrived for the new DOTAS IHT Hallmark- good news for financial planners.

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Trust Registration Service

What the new trust registration service means for financial services related trusts.

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Year End Tax Planning: Income Tax and Investments

A summary of “do not forget” strategies to minimise tax and maximise tax efficiency.

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OTS Review of Inheritance Tax

The Chancellor’s brief to the OTS and the potential outcomes from the review for inheritance tax as we know it currently.

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Removal of Indexation Relief: Corporate Investment

The impact of the removal of indexation relief for corporate capital gains on property investment companies and corporate investment generally.

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Budget: Patient Capital Review

A brief look at the key outcomes from the patient capital review for financial planners.

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Pensions Update: Changes on the horizon that are unlikely to be affected by the Budget

The increase to the Lifetime Allowance is set is stone in the form of the Finance Act 2016. What does an increase mean?

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