Inheritance Tax

The nil rate stays at £325k and limited trust reform is to be legislated in a future finance bill . I look at the leaked conservative proposal for a £175k additional nil rate band for residential property.

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Corporate Tax Avoidance

The UK have launched a “carrot and stick” approach to corporate profit shifting in thee shape (respectively) of the Fair Tax mark and the Diverted Profits Tax.

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Tax Avoidance: In relation to offshore accounts and deeds of variation.

Tax avoidance in the news in relation to offshore accounts and deeds of variation. What this means for advisers and their clients.

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Protection & Estate Planning

Some recent adviser research carried out by Technical Connection reveals that concern over access and control are two of the main impediments to estate planning being carried out . Tony considers ways in which these concerns may be overcome and especially the role that appropriate protection policies in trust might play.

Death Taxes & Pension Benefits

The Chancellor announced the abolition of “death tax” on pension benefits at the Conservative Party conference. Tony looks at the accuracy of “abolition” , some of its potential consequences and some of the questions that still need to be answered.

The Personal Financial Audit

Consumers will value and pay for advice on issues that satisfy the “Three Cs ” test. Namely that the advice is on subject matter that is relatively Complex, that the Consequences of “getting it wrong” are seriously detrimental and that the answers Can’t be readily “self served”. The Personal Financial Audit satisfies these tests and represents an effective client engagement tool.

Disclosure Of Tax Avoidance Schemes and Inheritance Tax

HMRC have recently issued a new consultation entitled “Strengthening the tax avoidance disclosure regimes”. Extending the hallmarks and removing grandfathering are the two key proposals . These proposals could particularly effect some IHT planning and I consider this aspect of the proposals in my latest video blog. You can get more from our Techlink bulletin on the subject.