2021 Autumn Budget deferral?

What’s behind the possibility that the Autumn Budget could be deferred.

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Is there a compelling case for capital tax reform?

How likely is a fundamental reform of IHT and CGT as part of a wide ranging reform of capital taxation?

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Putting the Seven Habits to work: Habit 5 – Seek first to understand, then be understood

Steven Covey’s Seven Habits and how they can be applied in a financial planning context: The importance of seeking first to understand, then be understood.

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Putting the Seven Habits to work: Habit 4 – Think Win/Win

Steven Covey’s Seven Habits and how they can be applied in a financial planning context: The importance of underpinning every client and professional connection relationship with a “win/win” foundation.

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How likely is CGT change in the next Budget?

What are the factors influencing possible CGT change in the next Budget?

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Pensions Tax Relief – Rumour v Reality

Press rumour and official statements on pension tax relief explained.

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Putting the Seven Habits to work: Habit 3 – Put first things first

Steven Covey’s Seven Habits and how they can be applied in a financial planning context: The importance of prioritisation: special focus on important but not urgent tasks.

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Putting the Seven Habits to work: Habit 2 – Start with the end in mind

Steven Covey’s Seven Habits and how they can be applied in a financial planning context: The importance of starting with the end in mind.

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Global corporation tax change afoot?

The latest G7 proposal for global corporate tax change.

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The future look of Inheritance Tax?

Does the recent OECD report on inheritance tax give us a glimpse of the future?

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