Budget Rumours: A special corporation tax on on-line sales?

The possibility of an on-line/excess profits tax.

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Budget Rumours: Income Tax , NIC and VAT

Will the Government renege on its promise not to increase rates of income tax , NIC and VAT?

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Could Corporation Tax be increased in the Budget?

Some background to the possibility of an increase in the corporation tax rate in the Budget.

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Deficit, Debt and GDP explained

Understanding Deficit, Debt and GDP and their interplay is key to understanding the likelihood of tax increases.

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Voluntary Liquidation of SMEs and one person companies

A trap to watch out for if thinking about winding up a company to extract cash tax efficiently.

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Tax Year End and Pre Budget Planning

Tax year end planning with a twist.

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The Wealth Tax Commission Report

The proposals for a one off Wealth tax made by the Wealth Tax Commission.

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Taxing Capital Gains as Income

The challenges associated with taxing capital gains as income.

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Wealth Tax

Wealth Tax commission to report soon on whether the UK should have a Wealth Tax

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The Spending Review and it’s Implications for Taxation

A summary of the key points from the Spending Review and what it might mean for taxation.

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